
    Divide, Conquer and Protect Digitally

    Crowd coordination is the key to any successful riot and demonstration, and since approximately 10% of those protesting are the die-hard protestors and organisers the rest of the crowd must be coordinated and that occurs mostly on digital devices. Disrupt


    Cybersecurity: How Protected Are You?

    Our world is flooded with numerous threats (Nuclear, Biological, Cyber e.t.c) and Cybersecurity is a major concern around the world currently as major businesses, governments, institutions as well as individuals are investing heavily to secure their infrastructures (Offline and Online). …


    Get Acquainted With The Online Scams

    Are you acquainted with the term ‘Scam’? If not, then first of all let us come into terms with it. To quote the Webster’s Online Dictionary, a ‘Scam’ may be defined as ‘a fraudulent business scheme’. It is a criminal …


    Beware of The Job Offer Scam

    Have you recently received any lucrative job offer from overseas, which sounds too good to be true? This is not meant to undermine your job qualifications, but there is more than a chance that it is fake. Nowadays, Internet scams …

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